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目的研究轴突在三维组织中的定向生长问题,探讨轴突沿非平坦基底定向生长时基底的低起伏程度对轴突的生长速率、成束和解束速率的影响。方法根据实验观察,设轴突生长的牵引力与靶细胞分泌的可扩散吸引分子的浓度梯度成正比,轴突成束和解束的侧向力与生长锥分泌的可扩散吸引分子和排斥分子的浓度梯度成正比,并且,吸引力指向浓度高的方向,排斥力指向浓度低的方向,浓度满足扩散方程。对于非平坦基底,有效力为沿基底轮廓线的切向分量。数值计算采用三维有限差分法和改进的Euler法。结果(1)轴突在三维组织中定向生长的基本特征与在二维培养基实验中的观察是一致的,只是在形态上有三维与二维之分;(2)非平坦基底的低起伏程度影响轴突的生长,随着起伏加剧,生长锥的前进速率减小、侧向速率增加。结论(1)许多基于二维培养实验所揭示的轴突生长的基本规律在三维情况下仍然是成立的;(2)基底的几何性质是影响轴突生长速率的重要因素之一。  相似文献   
人体呼吸道的二级及三级支气管内吸气流动的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
呼吸系统的主要生理机能是在大气和血液之间交换氧气和二氧化碳,其生理过程与呼吸道内的气体流动和输送有密切关系。本文利用数值模拟方法对呼吸道内二级及三级支气管模型内的吸气过程进行数值研究,研究表明:二级支气管的计算结果与现有的实验值吻合很好;在三级支气管内。当人体处于正常吸气流量下,支气管内未发生任何分离现象。但流道几何形状的弯曲和分岔使支气管内出现强烈的二次流现象,主流速度出现倾斜分布及m-型分布特征。从而加大了分岔管内侧壁面及前后侧壁面上的切应力;在三级支气管的末级管内,流量分流不均匀。在计算条件下,中部支气管内的流量与侧部支气管内的流量之比为1.2。  相似文献   
右肺支气管树的三维分形模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
肺是天然的非对称不规则体。肺内的气管树呈复杂的自相似的结构。基于最小能耗思想 ,作者根据肺的解剖学数据 ,建立右肺的细分网格坐标 ,通过计算各级分块的质心 ,寻找分叉方向与确定分叉长度 ,以 Open GL 为工具 ,实现了右肺支气管树的三维分形模拟 ,并且得到各级的长度、分叉角度和管径的具体参数。所生成的图形在形态与几何参数上与现有统计数据很吻合。计算得到该模型的分形覆盖维数为 2 .19,与其他学者计算的人体肺的理想维数 2 .17[1 ] 比较接近。该模型为今后用分形思想研究肺的气体扩散传递功能奠定基础。从节省计算机存储、加快图形传输上方面来说也有一定意义  相似文献   
高速线扫描OCT的可行性与光学成像特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
光学相干层析成像(0cT)是一种迅速发展的非侵入式、高分辨率医学层析成像技术。由于传统时域点扫描方式的OCT系统的成像速度慢,难以用于活体的实时成像。介绍了基于线扫描方式的时域OCT系统,这种扫描方式可以无需横向扫描直接得到二维层析图像。为验证基于线扫描方式的时域OCT系统的可行性及得到其设计基本参数,借助Zemax光学设计软件模拟该系统的干涉效果,分析线扫描时域OCT的成像特性。研究表明,这种线扫描OCT在3mm的横向扫描宽度时,可以比传统点扫描方式快二百余倍。  相似文献   
目的数值模拟神经系统在发育过程中轴突的生长情况。方法根据神经发育原理,建立具有一定刚性的非线性混合抛物型偏微分方程组,运用ADI差分格式和改进的欧拉法作数值分析。结果 (1)在一个正方形平面区域内有10个轴突以相等的间距围成圆形,当中心有1个靶细胞时,轴突生长路径的数值模拟结果与前人所做的有关结果一致;(2)轴突的初始位置同(1),当中央有4个两两上下并排分布的靶细胞时,数值模拟结果很好地反映了轴突生长时的趋化性;(3)在区域的近上、下边界分别有一串靶细胞和一串轴突时,数值模拟结果较好地反映了轴突结集生长时的成束和解束现象。结论本文给出的数学模型和数值主法能够较好地模拟有关实验所观测到的主要现象。  相似文献   
用光电池组装一个工感受野,在一维上模拟视网膜神经节细胞的零交叉滤波特性,进一步用该工工感受野构建一个图像边缘检测系统,并成功地用系统检测到图像边缘。一与般的基于视觉原理的图像系统相比,这种以人工感受野灵基础的系统,在图像输入的同时即可并行地提取图像边缘信息,而更接近于动物视觉系统原型,此结果将为人工视觉和图像技术的发展提供新的探索。  相似文献   
Using a digital simulation method, we analyzed the relationship between natural frequency (f n ) and damping coefficient () of the catheter-manometer system required for high-fidelity measurement of the pulmonary arterial pressure. The pulmonary artery pressure waveform was obtained with a catheter-tip transducer and it was fed into a dynamic simulator programmed on a computer. The original waveform and the output of the simulator were compared and judged visually for the fidelity. From this analysis, the combination of f n and was obtained and was plotted on a f n diagram. It showed as an area, which was convex on the left side and open on the right side. The left-convex endpoint was located at a damping coefficient of about 0.7. At a lower heart rate, this area was extended to the lower frequency side, while, at a higher heart rate, this area was limited to the higher frequency side. The f n diagram was also constructed theoretically by calculating the relations between natural frequencies and damping coefficients of a second order system with the amplitude and phase error tolerance set at +/–5% respectively.(Kinefuchi Y, Suzuki T, Takiguchi M, et al.: Natural frequency/Damping coefficient relationship of the catheter-manometer system required for high-fidelity measurement of the pulmonary arterial pressure. J Anesth 7: 419--426, 1993)  相似文献   
头高位倾斜时心血管反应的仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仿真头高位倾斜时心血管系统的反应,进一步研究有关立位应激的生理机制。方法以仿真下体负压时心血管反应的模型为基础,在血液重新分配子模中引入了重力致血液重新转移的环节,在压力反射控制子模型中考虑了心水平与颈动脉压力感受器间的流体静压差。  相似文献   
Simulation studies were conducted to assess the relative merits of different nonrandom sampling strategies for the selection of sibling pairs for genotyping in the attempt to locate individual loci (QTLs) contributing to variation in human quantitative traits. For a constant amount of variation contributed by a QTL (25% of the total) the frequencies and dominance relationships of a trait increasing allele were varied. Three strategies for selection of pairs for genotyping were based on the phenotypic values of the siblings: Concordant sib pairs (CSP) are pairs in which both individuals exceed a given threshold value; discordant sib pairs (DSP) are pairs in which one member exceeds a given upper threshold and the other is below a specified lower threshold; and most similar pairs (MSP) are pairs selected for falling below a specified percentile ranking of the within-pair mean square for the quantitative trait. Tests for linkage with markers at 1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 cM from each of the QTLs were conducted for each of the selected samples and compared with tests based on the regression, in the entire sample, of within pair variation on the proportion of alleles identical by descent (IBD) at each marker locus. Tests for the effect of the increasing allele at the QTL (candidate gene) were also conducted for the DSP pairs. No single nonrandom selection procedure yields as much as half the information realized in the total sample. However, a combined strategy which involves genotyping the 5% of MSP and DSP for the upper and lower quintiles of values of the quantitative trait (a further 3% of the sample approximately) yields lod scores which are usually more than 65% of the values realized for the entire sample. Tests comparing the proportion of increasing alleles in high- and low-scoring siblings from DSP samples are uniformly very powerful for detecting candidate loci. Even when it is not possible to measure the entire range of the phenotype with uniform precision, some attempt to differentiate among individuals in a common unaffected class of individuals can lead to considerable increase in power.  相似文献   
模拟飞行缺氧与吸氧对小鼠脏器自由基代谢的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的 观察了两种模拟飞行条件(1500m轻度低压缺氧和5500m中度低压吸氧重复暴露下小鼠多脏器自由基代谢变化的特点。方法 昆明种小鼠60只,随机分为6组(n=10)进行缺氧与吸氧实验,实验完毕后,取小鼠尾血做血常规检查。次日,将小鼠断头处死,取脑、心、肺、肝、肾制备匀浆,测定丙二醛(MDA)含量和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性。结果 1500m轻度低压缺氧重复暴露8wk使肺MDA含量显著增高,提示  相似文献   
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